Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Being Relevant?

How can a large bureaucratic agency promoting wildlife and natural resources continue to be relevant to an increasingly urban world?

In May of 2007, the population of Planet Earth officially became "urban". Increasingly, populations around the globe are becoming disconnected from nature. As a member of large state agency which is charged with supporting and maintaining natural resources for present and future generations, I wonder "How do we connect with an urban audience which is disconnected from the resource we support and maintain on their behalf?"

In an unsettling, telling, yet scarcely surprising conversation with some 'urbanites', the topic eventually came around to our rapidly diminishing natural resources. After having explained some of the challenges and threats to the others, a woman in the group remarked "Yeah, but 'they' will never let it get that bad." After pondering this comment for a moment, I asked "Who is "they"?" The answer came back "Them!... YOU!... the government!"

The frightening reality is that while many folks share the sentiment that natural resources are 'important to manage and maintain' and that they 'like to know they are there', a large portion of the population remains personally disconnected from these resources and with that comes some ethereal concept as to how the resource continues to persist and some vague and false sense of security that someone else (ie, the government) is handling the total stewardship of such on their behalf. The truth is, no one can fully manage our natural resources on anyone's behalf. It is everyone's charge.

I suspect the challenge that we are facing has less to do with the populations unwillingness to accept that charge and more to do with their lack of understanding of what it entails. People will willingly recycle, vote for emissions inspections and self-police the wasting of water - because they understand these things and they were given specific tasks they could perform by way of 'saving planet earth'. However, in the grand scheme of things, they have no idea how they could make a difference, much less where to begin. So they dismiss the seemingly insurmountable task to large agencies and organizations they believe, or at least hope, are doing all these things on their behalf. What they don't grasp is that without their collective individual participation, the task is an impossibility for any natural resource conservation or management agency functioning in social a vacuum.

This would suggest that awareness and education might make some major in-roads toward addressing the challenges. Yet the problem remains:
"How do we connect with a public that is disconnected from the resource - and us, its "stewards"?"

That brings me here. Perhaps this social media tool can open the dialogs and doors to understanding and learning. By sharing everything from technical management concepts to fun outdoor experiences in a place and a way that people are comfortable, a community of support can be built.

How do we build those communities? Can they be public forums? Where should ownership and administration lie? How would they work? What could they say? How should they be structured? Below are some examples:

Blogs which address issues

Vlogs, videos, podcasts which share outdoor experiences, focusing on

or even spiritual aspects

Then there are social webgroups that offer personal pages and groups, such as MySpace
where one can have an individual page that represents a group 'face'

as well as start an online community group

or an email-based group

Things to consider: Meeting our constituents where they are...

  • If people are unengaged or uniformed to the point that they 'don't know what they don't know', is skills-based learning always the best approach, or do we need to use a values-based approach for some urban audiences?

  • Can we 'let go' and use such forums as social media by entrusting threads to partners and community groups while serving as a counselor or advocate to 'ground truth' discussions?

  • If yesterday's presentation on generational gaps was accurate, then should targeting the millenium generation focus on fun and meaningful relationships/mentors? Define "fun" and "mentor". How would that fit into programming and efforts?


Unknown said...

will this translate to outdoor participation?

finding things that are interesting to you online whtes the appetite

Unknown said...

the internet is used in place of face to face conversations but accomplishes the same

glut of info is sorted by net

biggest online topics with kids

using forums to find 'teachable moments' and use them

starting our own blogs... we can participate in others not host our own

forums preferable to blogs
lead topic with lower threads

blog - telling a story that people get involved in and they want to know how things turn out

how can tpwd put something like that online?

blog could be appropriate for volunteers

some insideous way our message is floating out there so folks can 'brush up against it'? It brings it into "my world"

pop up ads are annoying

interactive learning games online

can we as an agency post on blogs or forums AS a representative on our agency?

Unknown said...

if you are predisposed, it could work, but if you are totally unengaged, flooding may be effective to some effect.

if there is no action associated with the information, it will fade

the nature of social networking doesn't work well to get the unengaged to become engaged

Unknown said...

So we feel that those who are predisposed to some degree could be engaged through social media, but what about those who are totally unengaged?

people go to sites/media in which they have an interest

TOF reaching the unengaged

social media can support outreach efforts

Unknown said...

BOW program began as bringing in the unengaged... evolved to harder approach which can be supported by social media

adjudicated youth wilderness type programs - after first 2 weeks the were hooked
1. survival
2. immersion experience made it's way through

Unknown said...

what about using something like youtube to create music videos that can engage a cultural community?

someone is browsing thru videos and run into a message it's less offensive

Is it viable? effective?

what about joining forums and asking what the audience wants to know rather than telling them what we think they need or want to know?

why would we consider making a new one? what about the things that already exist? we keep a repository of all the forums and blogs.

need to be careful about linking because it's perceived as an endorsement.

What about deep urban populations that are interested in immediately important issues such as clean air, water conservation and recycling, but don't understand the greater relationship to natural resources, over all?

Reaching people who are meeting only very low needs on the Maslow's heirachy are not able to attain the higher levels such as self-actualization.

Children in nature examples:
online video games that included the technology
working thru community groups
social media only came up in the wiki's
google to find resources

Unknown said...

What about the emotional aspect of using social media to draw people in and get them interested at that point?

Can electronic games translate to true participation in the outdoors.

Frame an experience as a video game, but live??? Survival games live, but framed as a vidoe experience?

Model adventure nature park outdoors.

Unknown said...


QUESTION: Is this conversation about getting people to go outside or to get them to recognize TPWD and our messages?

Challenge: You cannot force the unengaged to form a social community.

However the idea of "packaging" our messages with their areas of interest and focal points of community (ie latin music) could be something to explore.

The idea of using an emotional connection is also something to explore.

Drawing people to us rather than us going to them does not seem feasible.

Social media can be a good support tool for the marginally engaged. Can support something such as TOWN.

When using social media, one has to be sensitive to which is the most appropriate tool for the audience, the message and the 'society' it is addressing.

You also have to be careful about the cultural landscape in addition to technological aspects.